Does the colon cause dizziness

পাচনতন্ত্রের রোগসমূহ

As a result of our bad eating habits, such as relying on fast food full of fat and sugars, as a result of eating late at night, drinking soft drinks and stimulants or eating fast, we may have problems and disorders in our digestive system, such as pain and stomach acidity, Diarrhea or constipation, as well as the problem of inflammation and disorders of the colon, what is this disease, and what are the symptoms, this is what we will answer you in this article.

বিরক্তিকর পেটের সমস্যা

The colon is the large intestine in the digestive system that connects between the small intestine and the rectum towards the anus, which absorbs the beneficial salts and water, which we get from our food, coming from the small intestine, and then the disposal of waste by
Anomalies, where this process is done by the extensions and contractions of homogeneous between the muscles of the colon and pelvic muscles, but when there is irregularity and irregularity in motion, whether there is excessive speed or too slow to limit, resulting in large intestinal spasm known as irritable bowel syndrome, In which about 20% of males and females are infected.

জ্বালাময়ী বাউয়েল সিনড্রোমের কারণ

  • The function of the colon, as mentioned above, is concentrated in the absorption of fluids and salts useful food, and the part responsible for this process is the mucous membrane of the colon, but when there is a speed of absorption resulting in constipation, and if there is slow absorption process, the result is diarrhea.
  • A colon infection can be caused by a bacterial infection, an intestinal germ or by some kind of sensitivity to certain foods, such as legumes, dairy products, and stimulant beverages such as tea, coffee and other foods.
  • Poor mental state, which may be due to daily stress, or because of the effect of serotonin, which affect the mood of the person and which the stomach secret.

কোলন রোগের লক্ষণসমূহ

To know the answer to this question we will tell you the symptoms of this disease, which can be summarized by the following points:

  • Feeling like pain in the abdomen.
  • কোষ্ঠকাঠিন্য বা ডায়রিয়া।
  • Puff in the abdomen and exit gases.
  • Cracks and sounds from the abdomen with a constant sense of need to enter the bathroom.
  • Sleep problems and insomnia, which also cause a feeling of tiredness and fatigue.

Dizziness is associated with colon disease

Side effects that can accompany colorectal cancer include loss of appetite and lack of appetite, which can result in poor nutrition. In most cases, malnutrition leads to anemia. Blood is known to be responsible for Transferring oxygen to all parts of the body, so when a person is exposed to anemia, the proportion of oxygen-carrying blood cells is low, so there is not enough oxygen in the head, which can cause headaches and dizziness.