The colon is part of the gastrointestinal tract, known as the large intestine. It connects with the small intestine and extends to the rectum. It consists of five main parts: the ascending colon, the descending colon, the transverse colon, the sinus colon, the cecum and the length of the large intestine is about 1.5 m.
কোলন ফাংশন
There are several functions of the colon, which are as follows:
- Absorption of water, and salts of food residue.
- Digest a small portion of the food.
- Analysis of organic matter in waste.
- Disposal of body waste.
কোলন ডিজিজ
- Colon tumors.
- Blockage in one part of the colon.
- Ulcers in the walls of the colon.
- অর্শ্বরোগ।
- Bleeding of the colon.
- Colon infections.
- আইবিএস।
কোলন রোগের কারণ
There are many reasons that lead to a malfunction of the colon, as follows:
- Psychological disorders, and emotional pressure.
- Disorders of the colon.
- Bacterial infection, or viral infection.
- Over-eating is unhealthy.
- ডিএনএ।
- রোগ প্রতিরোধ ক্ষমতা সিস্টেম।
- মদ্যাশক্তি।
- Sensitivity to some types of medications.
- Lack of movement.
- ধূমপান.
কোলন রোগের লক্ষণসমূহ
- পেটের ফাঁপ.
- গ্যাস।
- পেটে ব্যথা।
- ক্ষুধাহীনতা।
- ঘুমের অক্ষমতা।
- শ্বাসকার্যের সমস্যা.
- কোষ্ঠকাঠিন্য.
- শরীরের উচ্চ তাপমাত্রা।
- ডায়রিয়া।
- ওজন কমানো.
- ঢেঁকুর।
- মলের রঙ পরিবর্তন করুন।
- মলের সাথে শ্লেষ্মা থাকা।
- বমি বমি ভাব।
- ডিপ্রেশন।
- Exit sounds from the abdomen.
- Pain in the bladder during urination.
The benefit of milk for the colon
Milk has great importance in reducing the incidence of colon cancer because it contains a protein that helps to reduce the growth of cancer cells, and prolong the life of the cell, while it may have negative effects in some cases related to the colon, especially in the case of sensitivity of milk and its derivatives in the patient, Or in the case of flatulence, it is preferable to replace milk with curd milk, because it contains bacteria beneficial to the colon.
Diagnosis of colon diseases
There are many tests that diagnose the diseases of the colon, as follows:
- ক্লিনিকাল পরীক্ষা।
- Take a sample of stool.
- রক্ত পরীক্ষা.
- Colonoscopy।
- Class Radiographic Planning.
Treatment and prevention of colon diseases
There are several ways to prevent and treat colorectal diseases, as follows:
- প্রাত্যহিক শরীরচর্চা.
- Eat a healthy, balanced diet containing fiber, proteins, and minerals.
- Taking antibiotics in case of inflammation.
- Treatment of the main cause of the occurrence of problems in the colon.
- Chemotherapy in case of tumors.
- Surgical treatment for the removal of part of the colon in some cases.
- ধুমপান ত্যাগ কর.
- অ্যালকোহল এড়িয়ে চলুন।
- চাপ থেকে দূরে থাকুন।
- Do not take too many stimulants such as coffee and tea.