চুল পড়া চিকিত্সার জন্য সমাধান

চুল পরা

Many people – men and women – experience the problem of hair loss frequently and with high intensity, exceeding the normal daily incidence of 70-100 hair a day, which causes great concern between the two sexes; it eventually leads to very light hair and the emergence of sporadic spaces Empty hair, men also threaten early baldness.

The cause of hair loss is due to many factors, including misconduct, including the result of internal health problems, and the following are some of the most important factors affecting hair loss.

চুল পড়ার কারণ

  • Malnutrition or anemia is caused by the lack of certain important minerals and vitamins in the body such as iron, calcium, vitamin E and compound b, which are major causes of continuous hair loss.
  • Seasonal air swings: An increase in hair loss is observed in certain seasons of the year and this condition is stopped in other seasons.
  • Scalp injury or increase the secretion of fat in the scalp, leading to weak roots and hair loss constantly, especially if accompanied by the emergence of white crust.
  • Frequent use of hair dryers such as sashes, with repeated use of hair stabilizers and chemical dyes.
  • Wash daily hair with shampoo using hot water that increases hair loss and weakens its strength.

চুল পড়ার চিকিত্সার উপায়

  • Avoid frequent psychological stress, such as anxiety, tension and nervousness, because it is one of the most important causes of hair loss, while taking care to perform relaxation exercises and eating soothing herbal drinks such as green tea, anise, chamomile and others.
  • Use the tooth brush with wide teeth and keep away from the comb with narrow teeth, which leads to the tangle of hair and weaken the follicles and thus increase hair loss.
  • Wash the hair three times a week at maximum, and be careful to use lukewarm water in washing instead of hot water that breaks the hair and weakens the scalp.
  • Improve the diet by focusing on foods rich in minerals and vitamins, especially those containing iron, vitamin E, biotin and antioxidants. Spinach, dates, olive oil, fruits such as strawberries and avocados, as well as regularity on cranberry juice nourishes the scalp and maintains hair health and And reduces its fall.
  • Massage the scalp with some hair-nourishing creams, such as B5, and panthenol, which helps to rebuild the hair and increase its density.
  • Use natural handkerchiefs to strengthen hair follicles, such as: Spray hair with sage and vinegar, or massage the scalp with aloe vera juice to get thick, low-lying hair.